Sunday, October 6, 2019


Years ago, I memorized Psalm 91 when my mother-in-law was sick. It was her favorite Psalm. After I memorized it, I recited it for her and she loved it. Not only because it was special to her, but  because I now had it in my brain. Do I still remember it word for word? No, but it would be fairly easy to do it again since it’s still there, and I instantly recognize when someone shares any part of that Psalm. I also learned Psalm 1. 

 It always makes me sad that we can quote verbatim  whole sections from a movie, or entire songs when these have no eternal value. I’m guilty myself. But wouldn’t it be better to know scripture in the same way? 

For me, writing something helps. Remember writing your spelling words three times each?  You may prefer verbally repeating, flash cards, or any other way to memorize scripture.  Find what works for you. I just want to encourage you to memorize a  passage or chapter in October. Let’s try for Psalm 91. It’s a large portion, but I think we can do it! Or choose any passage that you really love. 

Have fun, and add something worthy of your time and effort to your life.  Something that will matter for eternity.  I promise, you’ll feel wonderful when you do. You might just be surprised at how often those verses will come to your mind. 

Monday, September 30, 2019

Hello Again

Just wanted to drop in with a quick update.  I can't even believe it has been SIX years since my last post!  As I've said before, life happens, and this blog is pretty much a place of reflection and not meant to make me rich (at least not for now),  so I suppose that's okay.

To bring you up to date, here are some of my life events in the last six years:
  • All three of my children are now married to the most wonderful people!  God has truly blessed me with daughters-in-law and a son-in-law that are just the sweetest ever.
  • I now have three grandchildren ages 5, 3, and 2.  They are the most joyful part of life so far.  Thank you to my kids for these gifts.
  • I keep my grands during the week while their parents work.  It is honestly like having my grown kids back as little ones.  They look and act so similar, and I even have two boys and a girl, just like my own kids. 
  • My husband has retired, and is now self-employed.
I may have forgotten something, but really, that pretty much sums it up.  I guess with all these changes, including Face book, I just got sidetracked.  But I started thinking that this might be a more permanent way of reflecting on my blessings and adventures.

I look forward to visiting here more often.  Not exactly sure I'll commit to a regular schedule of posting, but definitely more often that once every six years!  God has been so faithful to me and my family and I'm sure there are many things to write about here.